THE WALKING DEAD is well underway and more than half way through season 3. We cannot wait for every episode. We know many of you get a little jittery when it comes time for spoilers and previews, but if you’re like us and don’t mind having your zombies spoiled. We managed to get our hands on some spoilers and a sneak peek of next week’s episode called, “Arrow on the Doorpost.” Of course we have a copy for you enjoyment below!
On tonight’s show Rick mets up with an old friend of his, Morgan. Michonne, Rick and Carl went for a drive and came to the town where Rick use to be sheriff. Carl was not pleased that Michonne was with them and complained a lot. They went to the town to find guns but found the gun cabinet in the sheriff office was empty. As they walk through the town they saw signs everywhere and got attacked by a masked man. After much gun shooting, Carl shot the man. They found out he was wearing body armor, and he was not killed. When they removed the mast Rick found out it was his old friend Morgan. Did you watch the episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!
Spoiler alert: If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like spoilers, stop reading now! We have some juicy spoilers for you about the season 3 episode 13 of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”
AMC Official Synopsis: “Rick and The Governor convene to create a peace treaty in hopes of preventing further deaths.”
On next week’s show it looks like Andrea may have set up a meeting between Rick and The Governor. It also looks like it did not really go like Rick thought it would. As Rick and the Governor meet face to face, the governor lets Rick know that he is there for only one reason.
It looks like there is a lot happening next week. Hershel and Daryl come with Rick, but Daryl does not think that it smells right – he suspects something is going on. Rick goes off at Andrea because she told Rick that The Governor wanted to talk, but it does not look like he does.
Glen and Michonne are getting their guns ready, looks like they are getting ready to fight. Glen asks Merle if he suggest they go in and kill him? Merle responds, “Ya I am!”
It looks like a big fight is going to go down next week between The Governor’s men and Rick and the gang. I wonder what side Andrea is going to take? It looks like it will be an epic fight!
The Walking Dead Season 3, Episode 13 “Arrow on the Doorpost” airs on AMC on March 10th, 2013. Check out the preview videos from episode 12 below and let us know in the comments below what you think!