How to fix, causes, and more

Posted by Christie Applegate on Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Unable to hear your friends in Overwatch 2? Voice chat is an essential feature in competitive, multiplayer video games and is often the crux behind winning matches. Not having access to voice chat in Blizzard's hero shooter can prove to be heavily inconvenient, especially if the issue springs out of nowhere.

Housing a huge player base, Overwatch 2 is an online multiplayer game that is pretty susceptible to server hiccups and other types of bugs. Such issues may affect in-game systems, such as voice chat, and render them ineffective. However, it could also be a client-side issue, like a settings mismatch.

Fortunately, there are quite a few fixes that one can implement in order to resolve the "voice chat not working" issue in Overwatch 2. These workarounds are easy to follow and can get players back to communicating with teammates right away.

How PC and console users can fix the "Voice chat not working" error in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play multiplayer hero shooter video game available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, the voice chat issue is capable of affecting gameplay on all platforms.

Common issues with the voice chat feature include the following:

  • A voice chat error
  • Unable to hear teammates, but the player himself/herself can communicate
  • Voice chat suddenly stops working

As mentioned before, these situations may happen due to an internal error plaguing the multiplayer servers. They may also occur due to a bug that needs the developers' attention. Additionally, it could be an in-game/system setting or a temporary client-side blockage that is affecting the feature.

Regardless of the cause, Blizzard took responsibility for the error and suggested a few workarounds to help troubleshoot the situation. Having said that, these fixes will not work if the issue is caused by an internal trigger.

Fixes for PC

Try these workarounds to fix the issue on your PC:

  • Voice chat in Overwatch 2 may not work as intended with Bluetooth devices. Try switching to wired accessories to check if this is the problem.
  • Try plugging your headphones in and out.
  • Reset the game's settings to default. To do so, open the app and select the COG icon beside Overwatch 2's Play button. In the game settings for Overwatch, select Reset In-Game Options > Reset and then Done.
  • Make sure to check your system volume and microphone settings. It should be detecting the correct audio device for your microphone.
  • Update your graphics and system drivers. Keep Windows up-to-date to ensure the best in-game performance.
  • If you use Parental Controls on, make sure to enable voice separately.
  • Make sure your internet connection isn't causing the hiccup.
  • Close any conflicting background applications (ex: Discord) and check if the issue persists.
  • While in-game, check the audio settings. Go to Options > Sound and check if Group Voice Chat and Team Voice Chat are set as Auto Join.
  • Fixes for console

    Try these workarounds to fix the issue on consoles:

  • Check in-game settings and make sure you are not muted.
  • Check if your account is restricted by parental controls on Xbox, PSN, or If so, enable voice to fix the issue.
  • Unplug any extra accessories to eliminate any possible conflict.
  • Try resetting any custom button mapping to default.
  • This is a quirky user-suggested workaround that seems to have worked for many console users. While in the game’s Group settings, use your controller to navigate to the Groups icon and select it. Now, mute your headset using its physical button. Go to Channels under Group, and unmute yourself. Now, unmute your headset. You should now be able to communicate via Voice Chat on Overwatch 2.
  • Miscellaneous fixes

    If the aforementioned methods didn’t work, try tweaking the Voice Chat settings via your account. The following workaround is applicable for both PC and consoles:

    Launch a browser, go to, and log in using your account. Now, hover over your username and click on Account Settings. Next, select the Privacy and Communications tab from the left panel and then check if Voice Chat under Social Settings is set to Listening and Speaking. If not, click on Update, change the setting, and click on Save.

    If none of the aforementioned steps fit your cause or fix the issue for you, it is probably an internal error that needs official attention. In that case, you may need to wait for Blizzard to address the issue.

    You can also report the error via Blizzard Support. Go to the official contact page and elaborate on the issue. Their officials should be able to help you troubleshoot the error from there.

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